Solving the Transitive Closure problem using a Property Graph and Graph Query Language

This post will build on the Introduction to Graph Query Language post where we were looking at the relationship between a Customer and Tender (mode of payment) as used in Transactions. In this post, we will use Property Graph to solve a Transitive Closure problem.

To recap:

  • Customer may use a Tender (mode of payment e.g. Credit Card, Gift Card etc);
  • A Tender (mode of payment) can be used by Customer

It is Many to Many Relationship, i.e. a Customer may use multiple Credit Card, and a single Credit Card may be shared by multiple Customer e.g. Husband and Wife

We need to create a Database View that can capture this many-to-many association as a network which is a single record. The single records should have all the Credit Cards by all the Customers that have used those Credit Card. Let’s illustrate this with a sample with the following Transactions and the Customers and the Tenders (Credit Cards) they used

We will end up with the following Network(s):

In a tabular format:


This is a classic Transitive Closure problem.

We will use the SHARED_TENDER table we created in the Introduction to Graph Query Language post and build a Property Graph on it to represent the Customer to Customer relationship.

create table shared_tender as 
SELECT distinct *
MATCH (customer1 is customer) - [e1 is customer_paid_using] -> 
      (shared_tender is tender) <- [e2 is customer_paid_using] 
    - (customer2 is customer)
where customer1.customer_id != customer2.customer_id
COLUMNS (customer1.customer_id as customer1_id
         , customer1.first_name as customer_1_name
         , shared_tender.card_number as shared_tender
         , customer2.customer_id as customer2_id
         , customer2.first_name as customer_2_name)

Create the property graph:

    customer KEY (customer_id) PROPERTIES ARE ALL COLUMNS
    SHARED_TENDER as customer_is_related_to
      KEY (customer1_id, shared_tender, customer2_id) 
      SOURCE KEY (customer1_id ) REFERENCES customer(customer_id)
      DESTINATION KEY (customer2_id ) REFERENCES customer(customer_id)
      PROPERTIES (customer1_id, customer2_id, shared_tender)

Next we will use the following Graph Query to output the desired Network in a Tabular format.

SELECT distinct 
  listagg(distinct customer2_id, ', ') as customer_ids
  , listagg(distinct TRANSACTIONS.card_number, ', ') as credit_card_numbers
    MATCH (customer1 is customer) - 
          [e1 is customer_is_related_to]->{,5} (customer2 is customer)
    COLUMNS (customer1.customer_id as customer1_id
             , customer2.customer_id as customer2_id)
inner join TRANSACTIONS on customer2_id = TRANSACTIONS.customer_id
group by customer1_id;


As you can see, this Transitive Closure problem was solvable using a Property Graph.

Note: MATCH can find variable lengths patterns. To find relationship between customer up to 5 Levels we use : [e1 is customer_is_related_to]->{,5} (customer2 is customer)

Available length patterns:

{n} : exactly n steps
{n.m} : between n and m steps (inclusive)
{,n} : up to n steps (from 0, inclusive)
? : 0 or 1 steps